Frustration: As far as I am concerned, I didn't do anything. I didn't do a single thing but still I get involved in this (kurreyzzi) world. I promised myself that I would leave everything behind and start fresh, but still there are people who make things difficult for me.
Awkwardness: I'm not mad at anyone. I just feel ... frustrated because everything's kind of awkward. At least on my side. I don't know about yours.
Confusion: I am not sure with everything. I just hear things from the grapevine. Uh, yeah. Hence, the confusion.
My side: You have your life and I have mine. Okay ako sa'yo, sana ma-accept mo din ako, 'cause I'm not going anywhere. I know you have your doubts and all and I accept and understand that, really, I do. I just wish you'd take her (and also mine) word for it. Everything is just water under the bridge. It's over and done and in the past and I certainly don't have any future plans of revisiting it. I'm also pretty positive she feels the same way about this, so yeah.
I wish you'd get past this. Anyhoo, I don't have a problem with you naman eh. Ayon. I just thought I should get it out there. :)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Myriad of Emotions.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Voltes V cannot solve everything.
It's weird. When we were young and running around in diapers we didn't give a damn who we talk to, who we make friends with or with whom we share our food. There was just this 'I don't give a fuck who you are, just as long as you don't steal my toys' attitude when we're young; and as time passes we lose that kind of thinking. We grow cautious to the point that saying the friendliest 'Hi!' is so hard.
We visited our relatives in Las Pinas last month. I'm not really familiar with them, but I do recognize them from the old photo albums of my parents' wedding and my first birthday. When my dad mentioned that I used to play with my second cousins loads of times when I was young, it was kind of hard to imagine. I wanted to be friends with them again but it's not as easy back in the day when all I have to say is ‘Hey, can I borrow your Voltes V robot?’.
I wish I was child again. All these complicated things that goes with adulthood is kind of tiring.
Friday, June 6, 2008
First (of) Summer.
Hm, this summer went by awfully fast. I surmise that it's because of my CAT training back in mid-April and my review late this May. I must admit, it was quite nice to not sit around my ass all day all summer. I've been doing that for the past, oh I don't know, fifteen summers, and boy, am I glad that my sixteenth isn't such a blah.
My CAT training was fun. I got to really know my fellow student leaders (I know them, of course, 'cause there are only, like, a hundred fifty people in our batch, so not knowing them is quite impossible, but I reallyrly got to know them. Yeah. I'm ranting now.) and we also learned just how hard and important our job really is. Wow, I can't believe I just typed that down. Who would've thunk it, that me, Reginne Camarse, rulebreaker extraordinaire, would actually aspire to be an (responsible) officer? Hee.
To our extreme dismay (and suspense), our positions still wasn't announced by the end of last month contrary to what I've said in my very first post here.
Anyhoo, my review was ... not as eventful as I thought it would be. Even though there were only 30 or so students in our class, there was just this air or awkwardness that didn't really disappear for a month. Idk why. Only my friend's cousin, who is now also my friend, Mela, was able to break the tension sometimes. Oh, and yeah, I also learned a lot. Back in my sophomore year, I never ever thought I'd understand Mitosis and Meiosis and all that crap. Thank God.I've also discovered the wonder that is Facebook. (Click on the picture to enlarge it. It's a screencap of my Facebook profile.) I just decided to take a look at it and see if it's another lame networking site like Hi5, Tagged, etc. I was so wrong. Facebook, as it turns out, is actually kajillion times better than Friendster and probably gazillion times better than Multiply. (Although I don't really know, 'cause Facebook and Multiply's purposes are a bit different.) (I already said this line to my friend Thea, but I like it so much, I've decided to repeat myself. Oh and, kajillion is bigger than gazillion, btw.)
Let me list down the reason why it's so cool.
- The applications it offers are way cooler than Friendster's. It has games (which are so not lame, might I add) like Word Challenge, Tower Bloxx, Bubble Town, Bubble Words, Maffia, Who Has The Biggest Brain, Vampires, Werewolves, and lots more. What's even better, is that it compares your score to your friends. It's very helpful especially if you're aiming for bragging rights.
(Personally, I love Word Challenge. I think I've reached the highest level, which is Poet, 'cause my score is 17,000+, and the highest among my friends scored 30,000+, and she's STILL a Poet. So yeah. Who Has The Biggest Brain is also loads of fun. I now have an Alien brain. (Share!) Right now, I'm a cross between frustrated and addicted (fruddicted?) on Tower Bloxx. Just saying.)
- The groups in Facebook as hilarious. There was this one group I joined, I Hate When Kids Suck At Putting Together The Shrine of the Silver Monkey (Yeah, 90's Nickelodeon reference right there, if you haven't noticed), and also an I'm Tired Of People Fucking Up My Name group.
- The Bumper Sticker application is also loads of fun.
- Oh, and Mesmo TV's fun as well! I love answering trivia questions about my favorite shows! Not just the 'What is the name of the main character in ______?' kind of crap but reallyrly hard questions that only a keen eye can notice.
- The Visual Bookself makes me want to read my Sweet Valley books again.
Hm, right now, that's what's got me hooked on Facebook, but I'm sure it offers lots more that what I've listed.
So yeah, let's boycott Friendster. It sucks anyways.
(I am still going to use aforementioned suckish Friendster 'cause I love my friends THIS much, although some of 'em are too lazy to register in Facebook.)
(You also might notice that I like using (parentheses). Yeah. I'm weird that way.